How to Clean Microphone on iPhone | Ultimate Guide

The microphone of an iPhone is undoubtedly the most crucial component of the gadget out of all its cutting-edge features. As our iPhones act as our constant companions, we can expect the microphone on our iPhones to accumulate debris over time. Dirty iPhone mics are bound to malfunction, resulting in poor-quality audio, whether you are making a call or watching a video.
Moreover, the microphone may not function at all if excessive dirt makes it impossible for any sound to pass through the vent and microphone apertures. Typically, a pile-up of dirt, dust, debris, and, in the worst cases, clogged water are the core causes of dysfunctional iPhone mics.
Unlike other iPhone components, cleaning the microphone on your iPhone is not as straightforward. Therefore, understanding how to clean the microphone on an iPhone can be extremely beneficial.
But wait… Where Are the Microphones on an iPhone?
To clean the microphones on your iPhone, you must first locate them. You do not have to be living in a cave to be unaware of iPhone’s microphone positioning. For the uninitiated, fret not! Because we’ve got your back. Most iPhone models feature three independent built-in microphones unless you have an incredibly old version.
You can find the primary microphone in the shape of a series of circular holes at the bottom of your iPhone to the left of the charging port. The second microphone sits horizontally at the top of the iPhone, next to the front camera. The third and final one is integrated into the iPhone’s rear camera. Each of these microphones should be cleaned regularly for better audio performance.
How to Clean a Microphone on iPhone
You have done well to find those microphones, and now it’s time to clean them. To clear up the debris, you can make use of different tools that are readily available at home. Toothpicks can be used to pluck out any dirt blocking the microphone openings gently.
If you’re not comfortable prodding your iPhone mics with a wooden stick, sweep away any dirt with a soft-bristled brush. Moreover, careful strokes with a small painting brush can also do the trick if you can’t find a spare toothbrush anywhere. Channel your inner DIY spirit and craft the broad tips of an earbud into a precision cleaning device capable of penetrating the microphone mesh.
A small length of masking tape that does not leave any glue residue, wrapped into a cylindrical form with the adhesive side out, is an excellent tool for cleaning stubborn dirt from your iPhone microphone.
Specialist cleaning products like compressed air or air blower are great for puffing out stuck dust from your iPhone microphone. Blow air from an appropriate distance at a 45-degree angle parallel to the microphone to blast off any dirt.
Mix some isopropyl alcohol, which evaporates quickly, with a microfiber cloth that won’t scratch your iPhone and use it to clean your microphone. Put the cloth in the alcohol and softly rub it over the mic openings to remove any dirt.
Additionally, electronics cleaning putty, whether purchased or homemade, is a silicone-like sticky cleanser that works well for pulling out trapped debris from inside the microphones. Form a ball with a spoonful of putty in your palms. Then, carefully press the putty into the microphone openings and immediately remove it. Repeat the process until the putty grabs all the gunk from your iPhone’s microphone.
How To Eject Water From iPhone Microphone
Whether your iPhone is waterproof or not, clogged water in your iPhone’s mics muffles audio. Also it may even severely damage the microphone. So, if you ever find yourself in such a situation, make sure to get the water out of your iPhone’s microphone as quickly as possible.
The more traditional way of ejecting water from a microphone is to apply sound of a certain frequency to drive water out of the microphone port holes. Download the “Sonic” application, which is available for free on the Apple App Store, to remove unwanted water from your iPhone’s microphone.
In addition, untrusted shortcuts such as “Water Eject” provide a simple and effective way to clean out water from the microphone. Alternatively, you can use an online tone generator to produce the required sound frequency so that every droplet of water is out of the microphone grills.
Some unorthodox techniques for getting rid of a wet microphone include immersing the iPhone in uncooked rice or silica gel to soak up the extra moisture. It is also recommended to use a fan or a blower to speed up the evaporation process and dry off the water. Most importantly, remember to put your iPhone away the next time you jump into the pool.
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Best Practices for Cleaning iPhone Microphones
Caution is the key here. You surely don’t want to ruin your iPhone microphones further while trying to clean them. Although some of this might sound a little too obvious, the following factors should be considered when cleaning the microphone on an iPhone:
- Before cleaning the microphones, unplug and switch off your iPhone.
- Remove any protective covering attached to the iPhone.
- Refrain from pushing any cleaning tool too deep into the microphones, and avoid piercing the microphone mesh.
- Do not use liquid cleaners or metallic instruments.
- Never blow air straight into a microphone, as this may drive dust farther into the microphones.
Well, we have rounded up some proven ways to clean dirty microphones on iPhones. After implementing any of the hacks, you should test the mic to observe any improvement in audio performance. Try combining different methods to get the best cleaning solution. Nevertheless, if the microphone still sounds muddy, visiting an Apple-authorized store may be better. Finally, bear in mind that your iPhone needs periodic cleaning to prevent grime build-up, and having a regular cleaning routine will keep your iPhone’s microphone squeaky clean.
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